Friday, January 2, 2009

Things Are Looking Up... Or at least they were

The Trojan.Vundo virus on my brother’s computer is finally no more. After the use of 4 different programs, all of the pieces of the virus are gone.

My black snow pants have re-appeared. They were found in my brother’s room. Apparently my black snow pants (which have hearts and flowers on the butt) look like my brother’s black snow pants (16-year-old boys are well-known for wearing form-fitting snow pants with flowers and hearts, you know).

Sunday afternoon my boss at Great Bear called me to say that he had 3 open shifts that I could work. Then Tuesday night he called with another shift. In the end, I ended up working Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and I work again tomorrow (Saturday).

In the 25 hours that I have worked this week, I've taught 8 hours of lessons. When I'm not teaching, I get excellent practice twiddling my thumbs while getting paid $3.50/hr. The times that I'm neither instructing nor twiddling my thumbs, I spend my time eating. I also managed to finish up my Level 1 study guide.

As far as how my New Year's went... I worked until 8, came home and checked my email, and was asleep by 10. My mom made me waffles Thursday morning though! :)

This coming Sunday, I will be driving out to Colorado. I'm taking my AASI Level 1 Snowboard Certification clinic Monday-Wednesday at Copper. Then Wednesday night, I'm gonna move back into the dorms. Then it's a few days of relaxation before classes resume on Monday, January 12th.

As for the excitement of my Christmas vacation... This afternoon was spent at two different hospitals for a headache that would not go away and that would not respond to painkillers. At the first hospital, I had a CT scan of my head. Then, due to my mother having a stroke 2 years ago, I was told to have an MRI. Since the hospital I was at did not have an MRI machine, I had to go to a different hospital. Then we sat in the Radiology waiting room for an hour. The person on the shift that ended at 4PM may have known about us, but the people on the 2nd shift didn't. Then I had to put on some ridiculous hospital gown which wasn't very warm, sit in another waiting room, and was then taken to the MRI room. Then I enjoyed 20 minutes of magnets traveling around my head, then I was injected with dye (I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE needles!) and enjoyed another 5 minutes of magnets clattering around my head. By the time I was out of the hospital, 2 hours had elapsed and it was dark and colder than it had been earlier in the day.
After that, it was a trip to Campbells to buy a snow shovel, a trip to Sun N Fun to buy snowboard wax, then to Walmart, and then to McDonalds (french fries and pop seem to be the only things that sound appetizing enough to eat).

Now I shall go to sleep since I have to get up in 8 1/2 hours for work.
More next week, bye.

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