Saturday, November 15, 2008

Leadville Learn to Ski Program and SOS Outreach

Ok... now time for a little bit of promotion... it's for a good cause though, I promise. Plus, as a blogger I feel obligated to inform you of events in the Leadville area. Also, I told the lady in charge of the Leadville Learn to Ski Program that I would help promote the following events/programs.

The Leadville Learn to Ski Program will enable 50 local 2nd graders to spend 5 days at Vail learning how to ski. They are hosting an enchilada dinner this Thursday from 5:30 to 8:00pm at West Park Elementary. In conjunction with the dinner, they will be having a silent auction and talent show. Parents will also have the opportunity to enroll their 2nd grader in the program. Ticket prices are $10 for adults and $5 for kids (4 and under are free). Auction items include accommodations at various resort hotels, lift tickets, ski/snowboard equipment, museum tickets, sleigh rides, gift certificates to restaurants, and gift certificates to local stores.

If you are busy on Thursday night or just aren't into the idea of enchiladas, you have another opportunity to help out the Leadville Learn to Ski Program. Wednesday, December 10th, is "High Mountain Pies" night from 5-9pm. All proceeds and tips from pizzas ordered that night will be donated to the Leadville Learn to Ski Program.

Another non-profit that I want to briefly inform you about is the SOS Outreach. SOS's core values are courage, discipline, integrity, wisdom, and compassion. They have a Diversity Program, a Learn to Ride Program, a University Program, and a Junior Sherpa Program. They also have a Volunteer Program.
The Diversity Program provides inner-city youth in Denver an opportunity to be introduced to skiing and snowboarding at Vail Resorts. Participants are provided with instruction, equipment rental, lift tickets, and appropriate clothing.
The Learn to Ride Program includes 5 days of instruction, emphasis on the core values, equipment, clothing, and lift tickets, character development curriculum, and the ability to enroll in the University Program after successful completion of the LTR program. The LTR program is offered at 29 ski areas throughout the nation.
The University Program is a 4 year program that provides 5 days of riding each year with a mentor, emphasis on the core values, a curriculum focused on community service and life skills, and goal setting with your mentor. Equipment, lift tickets, and clothing are provided.
The Junior Sherpa Program pairs University program graduates with a Sherpa (mentor). The Sherpa and the Junior Sherpa then work together to mentor 1st and 2nd year University Program participants.
The Volunteer Program is for the adults that want to give their time, talents, energy, and love for youth and snowsports. Participants are trained to help serve youth. Training sessions focus on teaching skills to youth to mentor them in a positive, life impacting way.

I strongly believe in the purpose of both of these causes. Snowboarding has made a huge difference in my life and I believe that it can make a difference in other people’s lives too. Back in South Dakota, I worked with several groups at my local ski hill that provided under-privileged youth the opportunity to learn how to ski and snowboard. Seeing the excitement on those kids’ faces was what fueled my passion to instruct, even when it was bitter cold and I had 10 kids that were so excited to snowboard that they couldn’t focus their attention on me for more than 30 seconds at a time.

1 comment:

  1. If I were in the area, I'd give support. It's great what you're doing, and I'd help if I could. Keep it up (both the blog and the cause)!

