Friday, April 10, 2009

Just Your Ordinary Week In Leadville

My week started off last Saturday morning with a trip to Summit County Medical Center. I had hurt my wrist a week before that and for a couple days it didn't hurt. Then it started to hurt but my brace from last time I broke my wrist was working well enough. However, my wrist eventually decided that it was going to keep hurting more and more no matter how much Advil and Tylenol I took, so Saturday I decided a trip down to Summit County was needed because my wrist hurt an unnecessary amount. The doctor in the Emergency Room there took some X-Rays (their x-ray machine rolls around and comes to the patient's room... I thought it was pretty neat) and said something about a radial-ulna joint injury and widened tendons or ligaments (I don't remember which it was). Then they splinted it, put it in a sling, told me to visit an orthopedic doctor ASAP, and I came back to Leadville.

Sunday was a pretty normal day. Although there was the trip to Subway with the stop at the gas station because Erin did not want a fountain pop from Subway, so we went to the gas station so that she could get a bottle of pop.

Monday I had Ropeways lecture in the morning, ate lunch, and headed back to Summit County to visit an orthopedic wrist doctor who took even more x-rays. He said he wasn't worried about a radial-ulna joint injury and he didn't see anything that was broken, but due to my amount of pain he put me in a cast in case I fractured my scaphoid (apparently scaphoid fractures do not always show up in x-rays right away) or injured my RCL (a ligament that prevents your wrist from bending too far away from your thumb). So now I am in a bright green cast until next Wednesday. I returned right in time to vote on having a hypnotist show next fall (yay for Student Government and the cool programs they put on). Then was Public Speaking where we gave impromptu speeches and were told about next week's Special Occasion speech.

Tuesday I did a bunch of homework that I had sort of been neglecting.

Wednesday we did not have Trail Grooming lecture because our professor was attending a "Snow Making and Trail Maintenance" conference. In the afternoon I went to Ski Patrol lecture. The class lasted long enough for Paul to tell us that a rough draft of our project was due next Wednesday. I then wrote a 583 word speech for graduation (I'm not actually graduating... it was for my "special occasion" speech). I haven't timed my speech yet, but apparently 550-600 words is a 5 minute speech. After dinner, I was playing SIMS on my computer, and Erin decided that she wanted Hot Tamales, so we got in her truck and went to Alco.

Thursday night was definately the excitement of the week. I decided that I was going to sit on my bed, drink a bottle of coke, and eat cheddar chex mix. Unfortunately, my bottle of coke did not agree with this plan, so it exploded all over me, my cast, and my bed. I then had the great pleasure of doing laundry at 9PM because I was not a big fan of sleeping with blankets that had coke on them. Upside of the situation was that at 11PM I had nice warm sheets and blankets to go to sleep in.

Today has not proven to be a particularly exciting day so far. It is a beautiful, sunny day outside, yet Erin is sleeping and I am laying in bed writing my blog.

It is hard to believe that 3 weeks from now, I will no longer be living in this room that I have spent the last 8 months in. That's right- 3 weeks from now I will be back in South Dakota. And 3 weeks after that I will be working as a counselor at Mount Hood Summer Ski Camp in Oregon if everything works out. After 3 months of working there, I'll be home for a couple of weeks (just what I am looking forward to... a couple of weeks at home in the middle of August when it is about 100 degrees during the day and humid) before heading back out to Leadville for my second year here. Which reminds me- I should definately go pre-register like now.

Well, I'm off to pre-register. I'll try to get on later to give you a preview into the classes that are offered next semester.

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